Health Facilities Management magazine asked this client’s CEO to discuss how technology is improving communications in the world of healthcare. Published in June, 2015, Improving patient and staff communication presents three miniature case studies of facilities using the client’s products to solve very different problems.
Download Improving patient and staff communication, or view it online.
Health Facilities Management, a publication of the American Hospital Association, is the most trusted and credible publication in its field. HFM provides the most comprehensive coverage of the unique challenges facing the health facility design, construction and operations communities.
Long Range Systems invented the popular guest coaster pager in 1995. Originally found in restaurants, these paging solutions now pair with other LRS technologies, solving service management problems for operators around the world. Since the beginning, LRS has remained dedicated to developing technologies that help service businesses provide a better customer experience. We know that businesses need simple solutions that streamline communications between guests and staff, and from messaging devices to guest management applications, LRS provides a better means for managing customer flow.